Saira Arif

Here are top 5 things this person is really good at according to
the HIGH5 strengths test

HIGH5 Test Results


Catalysts love to get things started and are great at creating momentum in stagnant environments. They have a hard time waiting and so-called ‘wasting time’ when they know they could be moving forward and getting things off the ground.


Brainstormers get excited when asked to come up with ideas where the sky’s the limit. They enjoy connecting the seemingly unconnectable, and quickly get bored by close-minded people and standard practices.


Philomaths love learning. They explore many interests, follow new paths and acquire as much knowledge as possible. They don’t enjoy the company of so-called 'know-it-alls’, people with little curiosity and no desire to explore new ideas.


Strategists look at the big picture, which enables them to easily find the best way out of the clutter. Because connecting the dots comes naturally to them, they may get impatient with people who make slower decisions.


Believers’ actions are driven by core values that cannot be compromised at the expense of success. Believers get drained if their beliefs and values are questioned, or if they have to do something that goes against their principles.

What are your strengths?

HIGH5 is a free strengths discovery test helping people to find out what they are naturally good at. It is based on the positive psychology research showing that people who focus on nurturing their strengths as opposed to fixing their weaknesses report higher life satisfaction, stronger relationships, and more successful careers.

Are you curious what your strengths are? Take the HIGH5 strengths test now.